UGC Recognised as 2(f) 12(B) | Affiliated to University of Mumbai | Re-accredited 'B' Grade by NAAC (3rd cycle) | AISHE code 34145
Library Rules
Time: 8:30 am to 5 pm (Sunday Holiday)
While entering the library, students should carry both their Identity Card as well as Library Cards.
Students will ensure that they do not disturb other students in the Library.
Books are issued for home reading for a period of one week only. Reference Books and prescribed text books kept in the reading hall, Dictionaries, Encyclopedias, Atlases and other classified as reference books must be used in the library only during working hours.
Cell phones (mobiles) are not allowed in reading room.
Your movements are watched on CCTV.
Students failing to return books issued for home reading on or before the due date will be liable to pay a fine of Rs. 10/- per day till such time as the book is returned.
Students will not be issued more than one book at a time for home reading. While returning books students will ensure that the necessary entry of return is made in his/her presence.
Books issued against the Identity card are for use in the Reading Hall only and must be returned while leaving the library. Disciplinary action will be taken against students violating this rule.
The Students are required to maintain silence in the Reading Hall.