Konkan Gyanpeeth Uran College of Commerce and Arts has been a relatively small college functioning in the semi-urban area of Uran Dist. Raigad since 17th June, 1989. Uran is located in Konkan area of Maharashtra. Before 1989 there were no facilities for higher education in Uran Tahsil. Hon’ble Shri P.N.Dharkar, Chairman of Konkan Gyanpeeth and Ex-minister of Higher & Technical Education, Maharashtra State, established a multi faculty college at Uran to make up this deficiency.
The Konkan Gyanpeeth Sanstha and Uran College of Commerce & Arts is determined to impart higher education to boys and girls in this rural area. The beginning of such a task was fraught with problems and hurdles. Our management, teaching and non-teaching staff members were well prepared to face any problem that be fell them. They never shirked from their responsibility to change the minds of the parents in favour of higher education for their daughters. Thus our staff members paved the way for boys and girls to join our college.
* Affiliating University :- The College is affiliated to University of Mumbai.
* Year of Establishment :- 17th June, 1989.
* Status of Affiliation (Permanent) :- Permanent- Aff/Recog 11/4484 of 2005 dated 13-09-2005. Enlisted in 2(f) and 12(b) with UGC, on 11/7/2007.
* Year of last Accreditation:- NAAC Re-accredited’ “B” Grade on 16-09-2011.
* Type:- Govt./Aided/Unaided :- UG – Aided College
PG – Unaided College
* Category:- Constituent/ Associated/Affiliated/ Autonomous :- The college is affiliated to University of Mumbai.
The Vision and Mission statement is accepted by the Konkan Gyanpeeth Sanstha is “Dnyandeepen Bhaswatah”
Our Vision
The aims and objectives of the college concern the academic improvement, sociality and the quality of education. The Vision statement of the college is ‘Education Moulds the Man.’
Our Mission
To provide education which is based on real and valuable life style.
Students are vested with modern learning techniques to participate in curricular, co-curricular, extracurricular activities and extension.
To impart higher education to the deprived boy and girl students.
Our Objectives
Konkan Gyanpeeth has kept the following objectives for the college:
To develop overall personality of the students.
To equip the students with skill to get employed.
To motivate students for self employment.
To create social awareness in students and to make them think about various social issues.
To inculcate civic values in the students and to make them responsible citizens of India.
Sr. No |
Name |
Designation |
1 |
Smt. Anupama Dharkar (Wangadi) |
Chairperson |
2 |
Shri. Pradipchandra Shringarpure |
Secretary and Management Representative |
3 |
Shri. . Zulkarnien Dhabhiya |
Management Representative |
4 |
Prof. K.A. Shama |
I/C PrincipalEx- officio Secretary |
CDC Member/Teaching Faculty |
5 |
Shri. Ramesh Thakur |
Member |
6 |
Shri. Mahesh Baldi |
Member |
7 |
Shri. Padmasen Patil |
Member |
8 |
Prof. V.S. Indulkar |
Teaching Representative |
9 |
Prof. R.T. Thaware |
Teaching Representative |
10 |
Prof. A.K. Gaikwad |
Teaching Representative |
11 |
Shri. T.N. Ghyar |
Non-Teaching Representative |